Genius Protection System Private Limited is proud to offer its line of Early Streamer Emission terminals for structural lightning protection. Extensive research and development has allowed Genius Protection System Private Limited. To create a lightweight and low wind loading ESE system to provide a safe and efficient manner of controlling dangerous lightning energy before it damages structures or its important contents, including human occupants. By utilizing advanced technology, Terra Streamer ESEs provide lightning protection to facilities that would otherwise be difficult or cost prohibitive to protect by conventional means.
TerraStreamer® ESE - Terminals are externally mounted, proactive, structural lightning protection devices and are designed to activate in the moments directly preceding an imminent direct strike.
The installation of a TerraStreamer ESE Terminal combines the best advantages of two systems:
1. The direct path to ground of a conventional lightning protection system.
2. State-of-the-art ESE technology employed in the TerraStreamer's internal design.
These combined advantages ensure that the TerraStreamer ESE System provides a secure zone of protection.
TerraStreamer® ESEs are made of non-corrosive materials, utilize advance and sustainable technologies, maintain a 5-year replacement warranty, and are independently tested certified to NF C 17-102 and UNE 21 186 standards.
The principle of operation of Early Streamer Emission (ESE) Terminals is to create a upward propagating streamer earlier than conventional air terminal or other objects on the earth. Terra Streamer does this by collecting & storing ground charge during the initial phase of a thunderstorm development. The installation of a Terra Streamer ESE Terminal combines the best advantages of two systems: the direct path to ground of conventional lightning protection.
- Patented technology - NF C 17-102 & UNE 21 1986 tested & certified
- Light weight and low wind loading
- Reliable performance in all weather conditions
- Suitable for corrosive environments
- Available in five models for multiple applications
- Economical & easy to install
- No internal electronics or power supply
- Maintenance free
Once a thunderstorm begins creating downward step leaders, the ambient electric field intensify in the area of the ESE terminal increases. When this electric field intensifies, it triggers the terminal to release the stored ground charges, forming an upward streamer microseconds earlier than other objects in the immediate area. This development ensures that the Terrastreamer ESE Terminal will be target of the developing lightening strike
TerraStreamer® products complete the Alltec Protection Pyramid by capturing dangerous lightning discharges and safely channelling it to earth.
The standard protection radius Rp of the Terrastreamer is linked (according to NF C 17-102 standarfds) to (delta)T, to the protection levels I, II, III & IV and to the height of the Terrastreamer above the protected structure h defined by NFC 17-102 as a minimum of 2 metres. The NFC 17-102 standards includes four levels of protection.The installation of a Terra Streamer ESE Terminal combines the best advantages of two systems: the direct path to ground of conventional lightning protection
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